Life Is About Learning: My Educational Journey

Three Essential Segments Of Digital Reality You Should Understand

When you talk about digital reality, you look at the broad technological spectrum and affordances like virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality. These affordances stimulate the reality around you in various ways. Digital realty offers you a first-person perspective and control over what you see and experience. The inventions and discoveries around digital reality are fuelled by the digital reality theory that postulates that the reality you know is not actual but a simulated reality made by computers. There are several hypotheses related to digital reality theories that try to explain the origin of simulation controlled by more intelligent beings than human beings.

Here are three segments of digital reality you should understand.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality (VR) is the first segment of digital reality that you should understand. VR takes you into a computer-generated digital reality that takes over the place of your natural environment. The use of body and motion abilities makes the experience of using head-mounted VR more accurate than what your natural environment provides. There is more immersion and presence, and if you add sound technology and touch inventions, you get the best virtual reality. This digital reality is mainly applied in the gaming world, but other sectors like architecture spaces, training scenarios, and engineering applications are utilizing VR more and more.

Augmented Reality (AR)

The world of augmented reality (AR) overlays digital content into your natural world surroundings using a viewable environment and transparent optics. You can view the content in three dimensions. This reality is easily accessible via a mobile device and offers a collaborative experience where you can have several people view content from various angles. However, there is no immersion, it needs an information map, and there is limited interaction with the content in question.

Mixed Reality (MR)

The third digital reality segment is mixed reality (MR). This MR is a marriage of augmented reality and virtual reality. This reality is a possibility, but hardware issues limit its development and application. You can project 3D holograms into the visual field onto the modern see-through lens. MR blends your real-world surroundings with digitally created content. The digital reality in MR helps you experience a blend of the digital environment and your natural environment using advanced sensors. You will be able to twist, move, and even rescale the content depending on your needs. MR has many applications that include all VR and AR technological applications. The field of education has benefited immensely from digital reality. Research and development, engineering, and architecture areas of study are making good use of digital reality.
